Café Royal Cultural Foundation NYC offers grants for artists in NYC.
The awards are established to support and encourage artists residing in New York City who are currently working in music, visual arts, performance and literature.
Café Royal Cultural Foundation offers a limited number of grants for artists working in these disciplines. Recipients will be determined by the foundation’s selection and executive committees on the basis of artistic excellence, accomplishment to date, and the promise of future achievements in their medium.
Café Royal Cultural Foundation NYC supports musicians by awarding music production grants to artists in all genres of music. Production comprises the recording, mixing and mastering of artist projects.
Café Royal Cultural Foundation advances the visual arts by awarding grants to artists across a variety of genres, including painting, drawing, sculpture and photography.
Café Royal Cultural Foundation awards performance grants to individuals and groups focused on the production of theater, music, dance, and performance art.
Café Royal Cultural Foundation NYC will award a writing grant to authors of fiction / creative nonfiction and poetry.